Tuesday, September 13, 2011

FaithWriters.com-Christian Christian Living - The Joy of Jesus is Contentment

FaithWriters.com-Christian Christian Living - The Joy of Jesus is Contentment
How can one find contentment given the problems of the world today? The Joy of Jesus is being in the perfect state of Love. Yet, there so many people living in utter poverty. Can we find peace that can sustain us during these last days?

Paul was in chains, beaten, starved and ship wreaked in his zeal for the Lord. He was content in his soul. Why? Jesus is the at the center of all joy. When we think about the promises of God, we can find the greatest source of joy in the universe.

Jesus gave his life on the cross for the sins of the world. The power of God raise Jesus on the third day. We pray for such Joy. Contentment is not the removal of unfortunate circumstance, but dealing with problems focusing upon the greater glory of God in The Joy of Jesus.

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